The Hadeeth of Anas that Zaynab bin Jahsh used to boast to the wives of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), she would say:
Your households gave you in marriage, and Allaah gave me in marriage from
above the seven heavens.
And in a wording, she used to say:
Indeed, Allaah married me [to the Prophet] from
above the heaven.
And in a word, that he said to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam):
Ar-Rahmaan married me to you from
above His Throne.
This hadeeth is saheeh, it was related by al-Bukhaaree.
Source: "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" of Imaam adh-Dhahabee, p. 84.
- The Jahmiyyah have attempted to make ta'weel of this hadeeth " refer to Allah's decree and order in the Qur'an, which descended from the Preserved Tablet, not to Allah Himself..." - meaning that it was Allaah's decree and order that was "from above the heaven" and this ta'weel is rendered invalid by the fact that Zaynab also said:
Ar-Rahmaan married me to you from
above His Throne
And then it is also said that if this decree and order was from above the Throne, above the heaven, then from whom did it come from in the first place?
And it is also rendered invalid on account of the sum whole of what has been narrated in the Sunnah in this regard, and from the companions - and it is not possible to sustain this ta'weel in light of all of that. And then we say to the Jahmites, try to apply this same ta'weel to all the other ahaadeeth that are present besides this one in which Allaah's uluww is affirmed, such as this and this by way of example only.