Khalid bin Abdullah al-Qasree: Al-Ja'd (bin Dirham) Claims Allaah Did Not Speak To Moses and Did Not Take Ibrahim as a Khalil
'Abdur-Rahmaan bin Muhammad bin Habeeb bin Abee Habeeb on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather said:
I wit ...
Saturday, October 31 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Sulaymaan at-Taymee (d. 143H): If I was asked 'Where is Allah?' I Would Say Above The Heaven
On the authority of Sadaqah, said:
I heard Sulaymaan At-Taymee saying: "If I was asked where is Allah?" I would say above the Heaven".
Wednesday, October 28 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Ad-Dahhaak (d. 105H): Allaah Is Above The Throne and His Knowledge is With His Servants Wherever They Are
The hadeeth of Muqaatil bin Hayyaan from ad-Dahhaak (d. 105H) regarding His, the Most High's saying, "There is no secret counsel of three except that He is ...
Monday, October 19 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Masrooq (d. 62H): When Narrating From Aa'ishah, 'The One Who Was Declared Innocent From Above the Seven Heavens'
From Masrooq, that whenever he narrated from Aa'ishah, would say:
As-Siddeeqah Bint as-Siddeeq narrated to me, the beloved of the bel ...
Monday, October 12 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Ka'b al-Ahbaar (d. 32H): In The Torah: 'I am Allaah, Above My Servants and My Throne is Above All My Creation'
From Ka'b al-Ahbaar who said:
Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic said in the Torah: I am Allaah, above My servants and My Throne is above all of My creation, ...
Monday, October 12 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Ayyub as-Sakhtiyaanee (d. 131H): The Central Axis of the Mu'tazilah Is That They Want to Say 'There is Nothing Above the Heaven'
And Abul-Qasim Sulayman bin Ahmad at-Tabarani brings in "Kitaab us-Sunnah", as does adh-Dhahabi in "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" (p.132-133) from al-Abbaas bin Fudayl al-Asfaatee ...
Friday, October 02 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com