The hadeeth of Muqaatil bin Hayyaan from ad-Dahhaak (d. 105H) regarding His, the Most High's saying, "There is no secret counsel of three except that He is the fourth of them..." that he [ad-Dahhaak] said:

He is above the Throne, and His knowledge is with them.
And in a wording:

He is above the Throne, and His knowledge is with them.
And in a wording:

He is above the Throne and His knowledge is with them wherever they may be.
It was related by Abu Ahmad al-Assaal, and Abu Abdullaah bin Battah, and Abu Umar bin Abdul-Barr with good chains of narration. And Muqaatil is thiqah (trustworthy) an Imaam.
Source: "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" of Imaam adh-Dhahabi, (p. 133)
Note: Today's Asha'ris are the followers of the later Ash'aris who are those from al-Juwaynee (d. 478H) onwards - and they are upon the creed of the Philosphers like Ibn Sina the kafir, (see here), the Jahmiyyah and the Mu'tazilah who say
Allaah is neither within the creation nor outside of it
And they are not able to bring authentically transmitted statements from any of the Salaf prior to 300H to argue for and justify their Jahmite belief of negating there is a Lord above the heaven.