Yazeed bin Haaroon, Shaykh ul-Islaam (d. 206H)
Shaadh bin Yahyaa said: I heard Yazeed bin Haroon, and it was said to him, "Who are the Jahmiyyah". He said:
Whoever claimed that "
ar-Rahmaan ascended above the Throne" is [understood up a meaning] different to what is established in the hearts of the general folk is a Jahmee.
Adh-Dhahabee comments:
"Yaqiru", lightened (i.e. without tashdeed of the final letter) and "al-Aammah", what he intends by them is the the majority of the Ummah and the people of knowledge, alongside their certainty that al-mustaawee (the one making istiwaa, Allaah), there is nothing like unto Him. And this is what is established in their sound innate instincts (fitrah), and their sound minds. And if there was [some other] meaning behind it then they would have verbally expressed it, they would not have neglected it. And if one of them had figuratively interpreted
al-Istiwaa, then the concerns [of people] to narrate it would have been abundant, and if it had been quoted, it would have been widespread.
And if there is amongst some of the foolish ignorant ones who understands istiwaa [in a manner] that necessitates deficiency [or involves] the analogizing with that which is present for that which is absent, or with that which is created for that which is uncreated, then this is rare. And anyone who spoke with that is reprimanded and taught. And I do not believe that such (an understanding) would be established in the soul of anyone from the common folk. And Allaah knows best.
Source: Mukhtasar al-Uluww of adh-Dhahabee (p. 167-168).