The Imaam Qutaybah bin Sa'eed, the Shaykh of Khurasaan
Abu Ahmad al-Haakim and Abu Bakr an-Naqqaash, the Mufassir, and the wording is his: Abu al-Abbaas as-Siraaj said: I heard Qutaybah bin Sa'eed saying:

This is the saying of the Imaams (leading scholars) of Islaam, the Sunnah, and the Jamaa'ah: "We know our Lord to be
above the seventh heaven, above His Throne, just as He, lofty is His Majesty, said, "
Ar-Rahmaan ascended above the Throne".
And thus has Moosaa bin Haaroon narrated from Qutaybah, that he said:

We know our Lord (to be)
above the seventh heaven, above His Throne.
And this Qutaybah, with his Imaamship (in the religion) and his truthfulness has narrated the ijmaa' (unanimous consensus) on the issue. And he had met Maalik, and al-Layth and Hammaad bin Zayd and the Kibaar (amongst the early Salaf) ...
Source: "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" of Imaam adh-Dhahabee, p. 187.