Sunayd bin Daawood al-Maseesee, the Haafidh (d. 226H)
Abu Haatim ar-Raazee said: Abu Imraan at-Tarsoosee narrated to us, saying:

I said to Sunayd bin Daawood, "Is He, the Mighty and Majestic,
above His Throne, separate and distinct from His creation (
baa'inun min khalqihi)? He said, "Yes."
I (adh-Dhahabee) say: Sunayd has a large tafseer and I have seen all of it with the asaaneed (chains of narration). And his madhhab in the Attributes (of Allaah) is the madhhab of the Salaf. He died in 226H.
Source: "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" of adh-Dhahabi, (p. 183).