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Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (d. 561H): From the Views of the Jahmiyyah is That Allaah Is Not Above the Throne
Filed under: The Later Scholars
Friday, October 02 2009 - by AboveTheThrone.Com
Key topics: Abdul-Qaadir Al-Jeelaanee

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Shaykh Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (d. 561H) said:

Chapter: And as for the Jahmiyyah, then [they] are ascribed to al-Jahm bin Safwaan and he used to say:

  • That eemaan is only ma'rifah (mere knowledge in the heart) of Allaah and His Messenger and all of what came from Him.
  • And they claim that the Qur'aan is created,
  • And that Allaah did not speak to Moses (direct)
  • And that Allaah, the Most High, has never spoken,
  • And that He will not be seen,
  • And that there isn't a place known for Him (i.e. He can't be said to be anywhere)
  • And that He does not have an Arsh (Throne) and nor a Kursee and [that] He is not above the Throne
  • And he rejected the Scales
  • And the punishment of the grave
  • And that Paradise and Hellfire are two created entities
  • And he claimed that as they are created, they will perish (come to an end)
  • And that Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic will not speak to His creation and will not look towards them on the Day of Rising
  • And [that] the people of paradise will not look towards Allaah, the Most High, and will not see Him from within it
  • And that eemaan is the knowledge of the heart exclusive of the affirmation of the tongue
  • And they rejected all of the attributes of al-Haqq (i.e. Allaah), the Mighty and Majestic, exalted is He from that with a lofty exaltation.

Source: Ghunyat ut-Taalibeen of Shaykh Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (1/228-229).


Shaykh Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee rebutted the Jahmites who deny that the throne is a true, real, created entity and those who deny He is above this Throne. And this rebutted view is that which the Later Ash'aris settled upon, for they make ta'weel of the Throne in addition, to denying Allaah is above it.

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